Bridgestone Properties (BSP) is a unique Property Management Company in that we truly understand that our clients need to have the tenants who reside at their properties feel at home in their apartments. BSP understands that our most important goal is to create an environment that makes tenants feel as if their apartment is their “home” and to want to stay in that apartment for a very long time. BSP is able to achieve that goal by treating every property we manage as if it was our own personal residence. The BSP Management Team focuses all our energy and efforts on living up to that standard on a daily basis and views success as nothing less than our owner/ landlord clients having a 95% or higher lease renewal rate each and every year.
Bridgestone Properties, LLC is a fully licensed and insured Property Management Company and Real Estate Brokerage with substantial experience and resources at our disposal. We have experienced Employees and Sub Contractors who can handle everything including. but not limited to, General Maintenance, Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC/Heating, Landscaping, Painting and Cleaning. BSP does not limit the services we provide based on our pre-determined criteria but rather customizes them to meet the individual needs of each specific client we have.